The Power of Anxiety

I am not a huge sport watching person.  I enjoy hockey from time to time.  College football and baseball if I can watch it in person.  But every two years there is an Olympics.  When the Olympics are on TV, my TV is on the Olympics.  This morning, speed skating is on.  These skaters have spent their entire lives preparing for this day.  I can only imagine the anxiety that these athletes are experiencing.  Those that are controlled by this anxiety perform poorly.  Some that I have watched have performed the worst race they have this year.

One of the greatest tools that our enemy uses to bring defeat into our lives is anxiety.
When we are anxious, it rules our lives.

Anxiety causes you to break fellowship with God. - Jesus is the Prince of peace.
He is peace; so, to be anxious and focused on anxious thoughts is to take your eyes
off of Jesus and to look to self, circumstances, situations, and the lies of the enemy
instead of listening to the truth of God and fixing our eyes on Jesus who is the Author
and finisher of our Faith.

Anxiety is one of the most powerful tools that the enemy has because he knows if
he can get us to be anxious about anything it will cause us to break fellowship with
God, it will cause us to have wrong thinking, it can cause us to walk in improper
behavior or immoral behavior and can also cause us conflict or broken.

How do you deal with anxiety?

--Zine Smith, Michael Walker


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