Gateway Christians Live With a Purpose and Urgency

In Ephesians, we find Paul writing to the church at Ephesus. In Chapter 6, Paul gives instructions to children and parents, slaves and masters, and then we find Paul encouraging the people at Ephesus to be strong in the Lord and to put on the full armor of God so that they can be prepared for the snares of the enemy and prepared to spread the gospel. In his farewell, Paul writes, “Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel. For this I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I might be bold enough to speak about it as I should.”
Paul recognized that he needed to have a sense of urgency to share the gospel with those around him. He was so sure of that calling in his life that it was worth prison and chains to share God’s love with others. Even while in chains, his purpose was to share God’s love with those around him.
We are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf: “Be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Like Paul, we are called to be Christ’s ambassador. We are to plead, to beg others to understand God’s love in their lives. When we receive God’s free gift of salvation, our lives are changed. The old way of life is gone and a new way of life has come. Our nature is changed. Our purpose for living is changed. Our outlook on life is changed and we recognize our life is a mission. It is easy for us to say these words in our head, but do we allow these thoughts to seep to the very core of our being and change us from the inside out?
Think about these two questions:
What is your purpose in life?
What are you passionate about?
Now let me ask you a question, did your answer to either of those questions revolve around sharing God’s message with those around you? When I think about these questions, unfortunately, my answers are centered around worldly “things”. Yet, I can quote you The Great Commission from Matthew 28 without blinking an eye. I think there is a disconnect between my head and my heart.
Today, take some time to honestly evaluate the difference Christ has made in your life. And before you close your eyes tonight, take the challenge to share with one person the difference God has made in your life today.
May our passion in life be to share His love with those around us whether it be in the grocery store, in the office, with the next door neighbor, or at the ball field! Not only may that be our passion but like Paul, may we be bold in sharing our faith. If God has radically changed us, how can we not be bold in sharing what God has done in our lives with others. May we be bold in proclaiming His message to others.
Dear Jesus, I know you have radically changed my life. You have filled me with an unexplainable peace. You have given me a hope in this world and for the future. You have showered your love over me. You have comforted me in the darkest places of life. You have strengthened me when I am weak. You have sent others to be your hands and feet in my life. Your fingerprints are everywhere I turn in life. But I’m scared. I’m scared to be bold about what you have done for me. I’m afraid that I will mess your message up. I’m afraid that someone will look at me like I am crazy or think I’m some super spiritual person. Jesus, help me be brave today. Help me put away the fears the enemy places in my heart and may I be bold for you! Will you show me “just one more” that I can share just one way you have changed my life with today? And Jesus, may I not close my eyes or walk away from the “just one more” in my life today. Amen.


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