God Can Use You
NEWS FLASH--we are never disqualified from serving Jesus. The ways in which we serve may change but if we are a follower of Jesus then we are commanded to share the gospel with others and to love others. Go into the world and preach the gospel. (Matthew 28:19-20) Love God. (Matthew 22:37) Love others. (Matthew 22:39) These are commands we see in Scripture. They do not say when you're life is perfect then preach the gospel, when your home is organized and clean then love God, when you have a beautiful prayer journal and spend hours in the Word everyday then you can love others. No!!!! They are commands for us to follow in the present moment.
I used to be a good girl and have life all put together nicely. I went to church every Sunday. I read my Bible everyday and kept a prayer journal. I taught Sunday School. I volunteered in my kids classes. I took meals to hurting people. I volunteered at every event possible. My home was clean and organized. We had meals each night around the table. I had a wonderful, strong marriage. I went to Sonic every day just so I could have my afternoon conversation with Summer, my special friend who needed to know about Jesus. This is the kind of person God uses to reach others for Christ, right? Right, but it's not the only kind of person God chooses to use.
You're season of life is probably different than mine.
-- Maybe you are in your retirement years and don't see how God could use you.
--Maybe you have gone back to work and your time is limited.
--Maybe you're a new parent and you're life is totally centered around a new family.
--Maybe you're job has a big deadline coming up and you're working long hours with little time for your family.
--Maybe your marriage is struggling.
--Maybe your children are wayward.
We all find ourselves in different seasons of life! And when our seasons of life changes, we often feel disqualified from serving God. Or we don't believe that God can use us in our own personal craziness.
Father I pray that today you would open my eyes to how you would choose to use me. How may I serve you in my family? In my church? In my community? Father set a fire in my heart to make time for loving others. Do not allow Satan to convince me I'm too busy, inadequate, or messed up. Help me walk firmly in the truth of your Word and obedient to your commands. Convict me quickly when I miss an opportunity that you have placed before me. Open my eyes to see where I am to join you in your work. Empower me to lay aside my selfish desires for today and walk with an openness into where you choose to take me today. Give me flexibility to change my plans for You. Right now Father fill me with your love so that I am overflowing. Amen.
--Karen Smith
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