συνεργός + Reconciliation

"Working together with him, we also appeal to you, “Don’t receive the grace of God in vain.” For he says: (Isaiah 49:8)
    At an acceptable time I listened to you,
    and in the day of salvation I helped you.
See, now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation!"
2 Corinthians 6:1-2

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Have you ever moved a large piece of furniture, equipment, lumber, etc?  I mean, one that takes at least 4 people.  Having grown up on a farm, I have many times.  Coming from a very connected extended family there were always plenty of people to share the load.  It always seemed to me that there was a cousin or uncle that wasn’t carrying their load due to age, physical size, or strength.  Not a very synergistic team.

If you are over 30, the word synergy has been over used.  A great team has synergy.  A good cast for a play develops synergy.  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  Synergy.  Our word synergy is right out of the Greek συνεργός, or synergos.  Paul says in 2 Cor 6.1 that we are synergos with God.  I am called to work with God?  I’m glad that He doesn’t need me.  

Me working with God is like a father having his 5 yo son “help” change the oil, mow the yard, or paint the house.  The son’s ability to provide help compared to his father’s ability is ignorable.  Just like the father asking the son to help isn’t about getting aid from the son in the task, but it's about the father teaching the son and being with him.

The Father wants me to “help” him.  He isn’t any more concerned with my ability to carry my share than the father having his young son help mow the yard.  He doesn’t need me at all.  He wants me to be with him.  Be reconciled to him.  And to help in reconciling others to Him.

  1. Have you asked God how he wants you to help him?
  2. What are you waiting for?
--Zine Smith 


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