Trusting God

Read 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths...”

What is the main command? To Trust in the Lord...Principle #3: The Best way to Handle Transition is by Never Forgetting, Gripping Truth, and Principle #3: Trusting God...Trusting God...

Trust in the Lord not with just part of you...Or just with your plans or your money or ministry...But with all your heart...

Interestingly in Hebrew, the language of this section, there isn’t actually a word for mind...So, the Hebrews understood the Heart to be the very essence of a person...To be one’s knowledge, emotions and actions, personality...The heart encompassed all of man’s attributes...

Solomon is saying Trust God...With every part of your being...with you knowledge, plans, emotions, personality...When times change, when seasons come, do not run from God but run to God...

Then, Solomon repeats the same pattern with a main command to Trust God and thenhe gives us a how too....How do we trust God? By #1: “Not leaning on our own understanding.  and #2: In all our ways acknowledge Him...” In everything we do, God must have preeminence...God must be first..Trusting God requires that in every decision we make that His way is sought not our way is sought...

Can I be frank for a second? Now, I’m about to preach more to myself than anyone else...
Do you know what the most foolish thing in the world is? The most foolish thing in the world is a Christian who doesn’t trust God...The most foolish thing is a Christians who makes their own decisions...

THINK ABOUT IT: The God of the stinkin universe lives inside you...The Holy Spirit was sent to guide us on life decisions and to live out Godly lives...Why then do we rely on our own intellect? We have the God that can hold billions of galaxies in the palm of His hand...We have a a God that brings great men to rubble...We have the God of the universe begging to help us and we so no...”I have a bachelor’s degree in physics, I don’t need God...” I can imagine God saying, “DUDE...I WROTE PHYSICS, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU...” I wrote the rules to physics, math, chemistry, biology, to living a fruitful life....And all you have to do is listen...

God is saying, “Please just listen to me...And I will guide you through life...”

Frankly, If the God of the universe lives inside us then let him lead us....Because when we trust Him, the result is “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths...”The God of the universe will direct your paths if you let
--Kelly Mize


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